There is an advert currently on sky movies displaying a lot of movie moments and how HD makes them better. I think that is a load of tosh.
I love films. I wouldnt say it was completely down to our love of movies but me and Jasper bonded orginally over that. The reason I love them is the good ones can completely alter your viewpoint, mood or perspective on something.
Great movies and great movie moments can change you forever. here are a few of mine. (this list is written purely out of boredom and the need for all who are reading this to see these films)
The end scene of Shawshank redemption - Where Red shows up and meets Andy on the Beach. It is a beautiful moment and so full of contrast to the prison. It really is such a brillent movie.
Dunkirk scene in Atonement. It literally breaks my heart. The music is beautiful and just ties a knot in your gut.
The shower scene in Shindlers list - A group of Jewish women go in and think they are about to be gased. It is proberly one of the most heart racing moments of cinema I have ever seen.
Casablanca - the end at the airport where Rick says goodbye to Ilsa. It is voted one of the most romantic moments in film ever.
Another sloppy girly film - Breakfast at tiffanys just the last scene- Holly shouting "cat" in the rain.
Session 9 - Barely anyone has ever heard of this movie but there is one moment where Jeff is running away from 'the killer' and the lights are going off behind him. I was literally shouting at the screen.
'Frankly my dear i dont give a damn' Gone with the wind it is such a fantastic movie (flipping long) but well worth it for that moment alone.
Psycho - the freaking shower scene definatly one of the most scary moments ever. I had some serious fears showering after watching that film.
Anyway enough of me babbling on Penny has finished her shower now so time to jazz